Our Vision
With, Not For
Developing Potential
Making A Difference

Services We Provide
Millennium offers positive outcome-based support to people with a learning disability and complex histories, with additional vulnerabilities. Many of the people we support have complex needs including behaviours which may challenge people or society, mental illness, complex physical and emotional needs, multiple disabilities and risk issues.
People we support may have had unsettled or chaotic past with a history of numerous placements and we at Millennium aim to provide a settled, stable, safe and fulfilling environment, which maximises opportunities for people to be part of their community.
People can be referred to us via community services, or direct from families, stepping down from secure or locked hospitals or in transition from young people’s support services. We can support people who are leaving hospital on a Guardianship or a Community Treatment Order of the Mental Health Act or subject to Deprivation of Liberty procedures.
We pride ourselves in working in partnership with a range of stakeholders including multi-disciplinary teams within health and social care, families and people we support, and we encourage people to co-produce and develop the right support, at the right time, at the right price.
Services include 24-hour residential support, extended day and evening support, support to live independently in own tenancy, and more specialist support for those with complex histories. All support is tailored to individual need and we support people through contractual support packages and individual service funds (ISF).
Our pathway offer includes an outcome driven support package that truly develops people to be the best they can be and to build strong meaningful relationships within their community.
We use our bespoke tool to develop outcomes, MOAT (Millennium Outcomes Assessment Tool) to assess and plan support and this is led by the individual to devise appropriate goals from which their progress towards these and their outcomes are measured.
People we support are encouraged to lead and be involved in many aspects of the support being offered including recruitment of their team, quality checking that our services are meeting their needs, training team on their areas of specialism such as autism, developing support and leading their individual review.
We also offer paid employment opportunities within the organisation for people that we support.
Quality Governance
At Millennium we believe it is important to get the right balance of quality and governance to support people to fulfil their lives.
Quality Governance provides a framework for us at Millennium to ensure the delivery of Safe, Effective and High-Quality Support.
Its purpose is to assist in monitoring and improving standards of care and to continually adapt and learn through continuous improvement.